Holy smokes, Folks!! It has been a long time since my last post here. Between life, school, and a toddler who is wide open pretty much 24 hours a day, there hasn't been an inkling of time for me to get in here and start sharing again.
As an update, many of you know that I made the move two years ago to middle school. While I really enjoyed the kids, and the fun literature that I got to teach to my 6, 7, and 8th grade kids, the environment that I walked into was not a good one. I stayed for two years, and couldn't do it anymore. I loved my kids, my coworkers, and my curriculum. However, administration made it very difficult to love my job. So this year... I was lucky enough to voyage my way back into elementary school!!
I left the middle school, and walked right back into the same elementary school that I left two years ago. This time, I was happy to accept a fifth grade position that specialized in Mathematics. So currently, I am teaching three segments of Math each day, one Advanced Content Reading Block, and a Block of Language arts. So far, I'm really enjoying it! The math is brutal, and has a huge learning curve...but I'm readjusting once again. I feel like I am back where I needed to be, and I couldn't be more happy.
So as a reintroduction, I am sharing my classroom this year. I'm two doors down from my old classroom, and the layout is pretty much the same. But my love for Harry Potter reared its head and made its way into my classroom. Below are all of the photos of my Harry Potter Classroom this year! Hope you enjoy them!
Red bins are file crates that my students use to store their interactive notebooks and other materials in. Each bin is labeled with a class period. Place value line is one that I made, along with the math alphabet line at the top. Classroom library is down on the end in the multicolored crates. |
Another shot of that back corner. Class rules poster is one that I made and had printed on Vistaprint. File hanger on bulletin board is for absent work. There are also flying keys hanging from the ceiling as well!